surf expo

You Are Beautiful

Displaying IMAG0310.jpgThere are so many times and places that the world shouts or subliminally implies a lack in the quality, purpose or beauty that each of us holds.  But in light of this common-placed atrocity, and specifically inspired by Josh Noom’s masterful artwork at Surf Expo this past weekend, I hope that the following words sink deeper than what any person or product has ever deceived you into believing; because every lie that has filtered into the vantage-point you hold as you peer through the mirror has no future but to bow to the truth of who you are and who you were created to be.  And YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL inside and out. 



I write as the brother wishing his sister to see the beauty that is so apparent to him, “You are far prettier than you see!”



I write as the father assuring his children that the quarks and talents they are embarrassed to showoff are the same defining attributes that he takes pride in knowing are his children’s very own, “You have nothing to be ashamed of!”



I write as the teacher seeing the brilliance in a student while he struggles to learn in school, “These tests do not define the strength of your mind!”   



I write as the innocent child knowing that the broken and hurt around him are as loved as he is, “Of course God loves you – He is your daddy and you are His kid!”



And finally, I write as myself, remembering how easy it can be to let the circumstances, judgments of others and normalcies of the world define how I view my worth, “There is a truth deeper than how you feel or how well you meet what is momentarily styling or status-quo! Your past does not define your worth or potential!” 



Many people from various religions will say that God is a masterful artist or creator, and I have only to add that when comparing artist for artist, Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa stands nothing in comparison to the wonder and intricacy of all that God has created you to be.  He is the world’s greatest creator, and you are His most prized and impressive creation.  And so the next time that you find yourself deeply searching the glass of your mirror for purpose and a measure of worth, I want you to smile and remember that YOU are the prize that Christ overcame the world to know and it is YOU that He has chosen to eternally embrace.